Application for the 'Discipline and Love' forum
Fill the form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
1. Your chosen site username, gender and domestic discipline relationship 'orientation'. i.e. 'Top' or 'bottom': *
2. Your E-mail Address (WARNING: If your e mail address is an AOL one, it will not allow delivery of a response from 'Discipline and Love' and you should write directly to in addition to completing this form) *
3. Are you in a committed monogamous DD relationship? *
4. If not, are you considering or looking for a DD relationship of this type?
5. Committed monogamous domestic discipline relationships are very much the primary focus of 'Discipline and Love'. However, if you are in a different kind of relationship, but nevertheless feel that you will be a good 'fit' for the group, you are invited to explain your reasons here. Each application will be considered individually on its own merits.