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Weekly Maintenance Form
Questions marked by * are required.
1. Name: *
2. Email: *
3. League's Url: *
4. Changes to 'League News' (must be in a word doc.):
5. Changes to 'League Info.' (must be in word doc.):
6. Changes to 'Shout Box' (Must be in word doc.).
7. Changes to 'Wkly Spec' (must be in word doc.).
8. Changes to 'Spec. Tour.' (must be in word doc.).
9. Changes to 'Trophy' (must be in word doc.).
10. Were there any additions or deletions to the Top Left Module? (Must be in word doc.)
11. Changes to your staff (must be in word doc.).
12. Changes to birthdays (must be in word doc.).
13. Changes to your backdoors (must be in word doc.)
14. Changes to your bux link (word doc.).
15. Changes to your bux (word doc.).
16. Changes to your rules (word doc.).
17. Any other changes or modifications: (Word Doc)